Report of COMODIA2017
The 9th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems (COMODIA2017)
25th-28th July, 2017
Okayama Convention Center
Registration number of participants (Overseas): 279(95)
Number of papers (Overseas):98(41)
(SIP Gasoline combustion team:10)
There were a lot of participants from Japan and overseas. I have believed that the participants have obtained the new direction for combustion modeling, diagnostics and control methods from the plenary lectures, organized sessions, many presentations and discussions in general sessions. There were 10 papers form Gasoline combustion team in SI combustion, Heat Transfer Measurement and Analysis, Chemical Reaction Analysis sessions.Welcome party was held in Okayama Korakuen. Participants enjoyed the Bitchu Kagura Dance.
Nobuyuki Kawahara, Okayama University
Bitchu Kagura Dance in Welcome party
Prof. Iida in Plenary Lecture
Enthusiastic discussion