Development of Three-point MEMS heat flux sensor on sub-millimeter scale
A three-point heat flux sensor for internal combustion engines has been developed with MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology. This sensor can measure wall heat fluxes at adjacent three points for detecting turbulent properties. One of the strong point is a high S/N ratio enough to observe the instantaneous heat transfer in the engines by using RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) method.
Kazuhito Dejima
Meiji University

Details of contents:
Kazuhito Dejima, Osamu Nakabeppu, Keisuke Nagasaka, Yuto Nakamura, Tomohiro Tsuchiya:Development of MEMS heat flux vector sensor for internal combustion engines, COMODIA2017, A202,(2017)
We have developed a heat flux sensor which can detect local heat flux distribution. It is expected that the sensor contributes to elucidation of the engine wall heat transfer characteristics and turbulent properties in the combustion field.
Osamu Nakabeppu Meiji University Professor